© Copyright 2000-2011 Alan White - All
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Strumammy's Second CDThis is Strumammy’s second CD which again shows a remarkable variety of song-writing approaches: from the wistful melancholy of John’s song to the menacing drama of Brendan’s and finishing with the joyous exuberance of Pete’s. It was recorded at the Lancaster Music Co-op on April 22nd 2001. Strumammy will be gigging in Lancaster in the near future. Look out for news and further information. Strumammy
can be contacted on 01524 67597 or emailed at
The cover photographs, taken by John, are of carvings at Kilpeck Priory in the Golden Valley. DAZE
(by John Rigby) 5m 45s
(by Brendan Cronin) 5m 48s
PIASSAVA (by Peter Quinn) 3m 55s
TO: lan Dicken for production and engineering, John Rig by for the photographs
and Pete Hyde for the graphics.