A selection of
based Blues Magazines for
you to enjoy.
If you want to recommend any on-line blues magazines, please email me at: alan.white @ earlyblues.com
Alan White
Earlyblues.com |
Blues-E-News Magazine -
http://blues-e-news.com |
Blues Blast Magazine (formerly Illinois Blues) -
www.bluesblastmagazine.com |
SomethingElse! Reviews -
www.somethingelsereviews.com/category/blues |
Keen Kord Guitar
Keen Kord Guitar was born when a boy heard a tune and learned
that the tune was called the Blues. He then spent the last $100
on his first guitar after learning about Muddy Waters, B.B.
King, Howlin' Wolf, Buddy Guy, SRV and so many others, but it
wasn't enough. He felt it move him to create a website and share
the influence he received and the purpose he found with those
who might look for the same joy that was given to him. Kkguitar
collects biographies, landmarks, history and events in hopes to
show that the Blues has been one of the most powerful means to
overcome one's troubles in history. To show appreciation and
loving respect to those who struggled to create these roots.