Singers & Their Instruments (April 2009)
by Dai Thomas |
This started as a list of acoustic or acoustic-based blues artists with
an informed (mostly) guess at the make of the instruments they used
during the “Acoustic Era”, i.e. prior to The Second World War. I have
had a huge amount of feedback (for which many thanks to all you clever,
knowledgeable people) about the original list and so I have expanded it
to cover later artists (including some Gospel), but I still try restrict
it to acoustic instruments, give or take the odd added pickup. The
information is mostly gathered from repros. of old photographs or
stories told by their contemporaries, so, since the photos were not
always good, the reproductions were not always accurate and memories
were not always reliable, there will be some mistakes in the list. Also,
please bear in mind that any one singer would have used several
instruments in his career and that he could have borrowed a guitar for
the photo session (e.g. the recently found Robert Johnson photo where he
holds an unplayable “prop” guitar). Any further information to add to
the list, to correct the dodgy bits (I know where they are - honest!) or
to fill in holes would be much appreciated. There is a note at the end
about Stella guitars.
1 |
Louis Allen
– Kay. |
2 |
Anderson (p) – Harmony, Gibson B-25, J-50, Martin 0-18. |
3 |
Arnold – reportedly a Martin, but it’s a good single cone brass National
on the records, according to my ears. Document Records supreme Gary
Atkinson reports the existence of 2 photos of Arnold; one depicts him
with a standard unidentified guitar and the second has him holding a
National Model O, which fits my theory. |
4 |
“Louie Bluie” Armstrong – Weyman banjo-mandolin, “Keystone” flat-back
mandolin. |
5 |
Bailey – Yes, I know, a Hohner Marine Band (pref. an A or a G), but he
also played guitar (a Gibson Dove) and banjo (NorMa(?) and Maybelle
5-strings) |
6 |
Willie B.” Boerum – Epiphone Triumph. |
7 |
Barbecue Bob
– Stella 12-string. |
8 |
John Henry
Barbee – Gibson L-1, Harmony 165 flattop. |
9 |
Jim Baxter
(of Jim & Andrew Baxter) – Stella. |
10 |
Ed Bell
(Barefoot Bill) – Stella. |
11 |
Blind Blake
– Stella, prob. a resonator guitar on 1929 sessions onward. |
12 |
Black Ace
(Babe Turner) – National Style 2 Squareneck, Kalamazoo KG-11. |
13 |
Blackwell – National Triolian (c.1931), 1926 Gibson L-0 (thanks to Paul
Fox) and Stellas. A Kay Solo Special in the 1960s. |
14 |
Ted Bogan –
Martin D-35. |
15 |
Bolling – “A mail-order red Stella”. |
16 |
Wee Bea
Booze (Muriel Nicholls) – Regal Model 27½ tenor guitar. |
17 |
Bracey – Regal. |
18 |
Dink Brister
– Gibson A-1 mandolin. |
19 |
Big Bill (Broonzy)
(p) – c.1920 Gibson Model O, Bacon & Day Senorita, Epiphone DeLuxe,
Gibson L7. Bill played a Martin 000-28 during his late 40s/early 50s
acoustic period. |
20 |
Buster Brown
– Dobro (Regal) Model 27. |
21 |
Brown – Washburn, Dobro Model 45, Gibson J-35. |
22 |
Willie Brown
– Stella for the May 1930 recordings; apparently this was the make he
preferred. |
23 |
Bumble Bee
Slim – National Model O. |
24 |
Burnside – Martin D-28, Japanese Epiphone dreadnaught. |
25 |
Callicott – Harmony Archtop and H1203 flat-top. |
26 |
Gus Cannon –
Orpheum & 1920s Gretsch Broadkaster banjos. Ashley Thompson from his
Jug-Stompers played a Stella and a 1961 Gibson LG-2 in a later reunion
photo. |
27 |
Bo Carter –
National Style N. Gary Atkinson of the wonderful Document Records has a
1930 Style N which he and Bob Brozman consider to be a possibly Bo
Carter’s guitar as shown in the earlier (mid-30s)of the two photos that
we know of. The guitar has longer head slots than usual, no neck binding
and has a nickel-silver back with a copper front to the body, giving it
a unique tonal quality very similar to that on Bo’s recordings of the
time. |
28 |
Catiron –
Harmony parlour size. |
29 |
Sam Chatmon
– Gibson L-4, Harmony Sovereign H1203. |
30 |
Sam Collins
– Stella. |
31 |
Cotten –Mike Seeger says “Ms. Cotton played a Stella when she was young;
then, about 1960, a mid-century Martin D-18; and eventually, from the
late 1960s onward, her favourite 00-18 Martin”. She was also pictured
with 000-18, D-28 and a Gibson J-45. |
32 |
Crenshaw – Stella. |
33 |
Crudup – Silvertone, Kay and Gibson archtops. |
34 |
Emma Daniels
(of “Two Gospel Keys”) – Stella. |
35 |
Davenport – Stella concert 12-string, Joe McCoy’s Washburn(?), Regal
mandolin. |
36 |
Blind Gary
Davis – National Duolian then a Washburn and various Gibsons including
J200s, B45-12s, Hummingbirds, a Southern Jumbo, a J-50; also a Bozo
12-string and briefly, a 6-string. There are photos of him with a Yamaha
dreadnaught and a Martin D-28. |
37 |
Dan Dixon –
Martin D-28. |
38 |
Scott Dunbar
(p) – Kay Grand Auditorium, Gibson J45. |
39 |
“Snooks” Eaglin – Harmony Archtop. |
40 |
“Honeyboy” Edwards – Stella, Martin 00-17 (1930s), Martin D-41. |
41 |
Sleepy John
Estes – Stellas, Silvertones, Gibson LG-1 (“mid-50s”, customised), a
Lark Junior archtop in 1962, Harmonys Stella, Models 162 and Sovereign
1260, also a Yamaha dreadnaught later. |
42 |
Bud Ezell –
Bacon & Day (Regal?). |
43 |
Blind Boy
Fuller – National Duolians (1 from 1933, 1 from 1938). |
44 |
Jesse Fuller
– A modified Prairie State (Larson Bros.) 12-string of the really huge
variety (from the late John Joyce, via Paul Brett – thanks again), also
various Harmony 12-strings. |
45 |
Gibson – Gibson L-1. |
46 |
Arvella Grey
– various National Duolians. |
47 |
Shorty (John Henry Fortascue) – Kay K-22 flat top with custom floral
decoration, Kay archtop, “steel” National (from Danny McLean). |
48 |
Buddy Guy –
Kay Archtop for “Muddy Waters – Folk Singer” session also a Kay Jumbo,
possibly a Solo Special. |
49 |
Harney – Gibson J-200. |
50 |
Buddy Boy
Hawkins – Stella. |
51 |
John Lee
Hooker – Kay Jumbo. |
52 |
Sam “Lightnin’”
Hopkins – Kay K-24 Jumbo, Harmony 165 Grand Concert, Gibson J-45s &
J-50, also a Washburn. |
53 |
Son House –
National Duolian, Triolian or Model O. He favoured Stellas early on and
said that he used one for the 1930 recording session; there is a 1960s
photo of him holding one, but it was on loan; there is also a late
picture of him holding an early 20s Gibson L-1. |
54 |
Peg Leg
Howell – Stellas. Henry Williams, a member of his “Gang” also played a
Stella. |
55 |
Howling Wolf
– Kay Archtop, Guild G-212 12-string, Harmony Sovereign flat-top. |
56 |
John Hurt (p) – Gibson J-45 (customised & refinished), Guild F-30, Regal
Dobro Model 19, Harmony Sovereign H1260, 1930 Martin OM-45 (from Stefan
Grossman), also Neil Harpe says he played Tom Hoskins' Emory guitar. The
guitar he used on the 1928 sessions was provided by the studio, his
personal guitar (“Black Annie”, of unknown provenance) was not
considered good enough quality. |
57 |
James “Bo
Weavil” Jackson – Gibson L-1. |
58 |
Papa Charlie
Jackson – Probably a Euphonon guitar banjo in 1925/6 pic., a Gibson GB
Banjo in the 1927 photo &, reportedly, a Gibson guitar, model unknown. |
59 |
Jim Jackson
– Stella 12-string and Concert. |
60 |
John Jackson
– Early 1950s Gibson J-50. |
61 |
Lulu Jackson
– Stella. |
62 |
Melvin “Lil’
Son” Jackson – Harmony Sovereign H1260. |
63 |
Elmore James
– Kay dreadnaught with added electrics (specifically DeArmond Rhythm
Chief Model 1000, the actual pickup he uses on most/all of his
recordings, mounted on the guitar top between bridge and soundhole, with
the DeArmond vol./tone control box hanging down from the bridge. He also
experimented with pickups attached over the soundhole. A DeArmond
soundhole pickup is present on the November 1959 pictures, not there in
1957 pictures and gone by December 1959 pictures. The Rhythm Chief
pickup is present in ALL photos !!). Thanks to “Snakehips” O’Donnell for
that. |
64 |
James – Stella. |
65 |
Skip James –
Gibson J-185, J-45, Martin D-18, D-28 in the sixties. The guitar used in
the 1931 session is now generally accepted to have been a Stella
12-string strung as a six-string. |
66 |
Blind Lemon
Jefferson (p?) – Stella (and reportedly an Oahu – see pic.). |
67 |
Johnson – National Model O 14 fret “chicken-feet”, Gibson J-45. |
68 |
Herman E.
Johnson – Stella 928. |
69 |
Johnson – Martin 00-21, 1942 Gibson J-100, a custom-made Mexican
12-string. |
70 |
Johnson – Guild F-30 (poss. borrowed). |
71 |
Johnson – 1928 Gibson L-1, Kalamazoo KG-14 (Johnny Shines referred to
Johnson’s last guitar as a “big old Kalamazoo”). He was also reputed to
have played Stellas and a brass National with the high E string doubled
for extra volume. A new picture has surfaced, which is claimed (and I’m
inclined to believe it) to show R.J. and Johnny Shines resplendent in
cool new threads with Bob clutching yet another guitar. I think that
this box was the product of the Regal factory, but I don’t know the
actual name on the head; it’s obvious that the thing is a wreck with no
bridge, strings and nearly no machines. If you wish to see this picture,
it’s on the Vanity Fair website, however incongruous it may seem. |
72 |
Johnson – a Stella, a Washburn, a Martin and a Gibson; also “many cheap
guitars” (c.f. the excellent “Tommy Johnson” – David Evans 1971). |
73 |
Blind Willie
Johnson – a Stella in the picture (poss. taken 1927), but Pillie Bolling
borrowed his Washburn in Atlanta 1930. |
74 |
“Little Hat” Jones – Harmony Archtop (from c.1950). |
75 |
Jones – Harmony Sonata Superior archtop with added pickup. |
76 |
Moody Jones
– Martin 00-28. |
77 |
Jordan – I don’t know what his guitar is (the one with all the pearl
dots). |
78 |
Kimbrough – Yamaha dreadnaught. |
79 |
B.B. King –
there is a very early photo of him with a well-worn acoustic guitar of
strange appearance, possibly with a resonator. Does anybody know what
this machine was? Also “a red Stella”, a Gibson L-30 with added
electrics (The Original “Lucille” was one of these) and a J-45. |
80 |
Freddie King –
Silvertone “Roy Rogers” acoustic (first guitar). |
81 |
Kirkland – National (Pete Lowry). |
82 |
Furry Lewis
– Stellas, Martin 0-18 in the early ‘60s, an Epiphone Texan and a Gibson
B-25N in the late 1960s. |
83 |
Leadbelly –
Stella 12-strings, one Grand Auditorium (an emergency buy for him by
John Lomax in 1935 - the one on the films and most of the photos), also
a Martin 000-18 in 1949. |
84 |
J.B. Lenoir
– Gretsch Synchromatic A/top, Gibson LG-0. |
85 |
Lincoln – Stella 12-string. |
86 |
Lipscombe – Harmony Sovereign H1203, Gibson J-200. |
87 |
Robert Jr.
Lockwood – “$3.98 Gene Autry model from Montgomery Ward”, Gibson L-0,
Dobro “Hula Blues”, Guild 12-string. |
88 |
Joe Hill
Louis – Kay archtop. |
89 |
Carl Martin
– Stella. |
90 |
Street Jimmie – Harmony archtop. |
91 |
McCoy – Washburn mandolin (model 5281?). |
92 |
Ethel McCoy
– National Duolian 1933/34 12-fret. |
93 |
George McCoy
– Gibson J200. |
94 |
Kansas Joe
McCoy – Washburn, Harmony, National Style 3 Tricone, National Electric
Spanish. |
95 |
Fred McDowell – Washburn DeLuxe, Martin D28, Harmony Cremona, Guild F-30
(prob. borrowed from John Hurt). |
96 |
McGhee – The Martin D-18 is what he’s famous for, but, before that, he
played “an f-hole S.S. Stewart” (possibly made by Gibson), a 14-fret
National Duolian, 1938 Gibson J35 (later customised with, to the eye,
extended f/board & modified bridge), a Martin D-28, a Harmony archtop
and a Gibson J-200. He preferred Black Diamond strings with an unwound 3rd
and used steel National fingerpicks (2) and a plastic thumbpick. |
97 |
McGhee – National Trojan (1935?), Kalamazoo KG-31(?). |
98 |
McMullen – Stella, Martin OM-28 c.1930. |
99 |
McLintock (p) – Stella(?) in the photo, but I think that he plays a
12-string on the recordings. |
100 |
Blind Willie
McTell – various huge Stella, Regal & Harmony 12-strings. |
101 |
Memphis Jug
Band –– Robert Carter – Gibson L30; “Unidentified Member” (Charlie
Burse?) – National Triolian; Will Shade – Stella, Gibson SJN, 1933
National Duolian. |
102 |
Minnie – Stella, Washburn, National Tricone (Joe McCoy kitted them both
out with identical Nationals in c.1929), 1938 National New Yorker
Electric Spanish (1940 pics.), early 1950s National Aristocrat with
non-standard quadrant fret markers (c. 1953 – thanks to Mark Makins),
Harmony. |
103 |
Memphis Slim
– National Electric Spanish archtop (perhaps just minding it for a
friend?). |
104 |
Lottie Merle
– “An old Stella”. |
105 |
“Daddy Hot Cakes” Montgomery – Kay archtop. |
106 |
Buddy Moss –
Gibson L-00, Kay Kraft Style C (poss. Curley Weaver’s). |
107 |
“Dad” Nelson – Stella 12-string. |
108 |
Nighthawk – Stellas. |
109 |
Hammie Nixon
– 1933 National Triolian. |
110 |
Jack Owens –
Silvertone 12 string, Guild F-30 (poss. not his own). |
111 |
Patton – Stromberg-Voisinet Concert in the photo; he reportedly used a
“brown Stella with lots of fancy pearl and stuff” for some time. Patton
was also said to have used “a Gibson with a Black Top” around the time
of his last session; the guitar lasted well because of its robust
construction, although he apparently preferred Stellas for bass and
volume. It is also said that he played and destroyed the odd Washburn. |
112 |
Ike Perkins
(Albert Ammons Rhythm Kings) – Gibson L-5; in 1936 he was photographed
holding an early Rickenbacker Frying Pan (prob. A-25), complete with
correct amplifier (these guitars had a round neck, so could be played
either as Hawaiian or Spanish). The way he held the guitar suggests that
he played it in conventional “Spanish” mode, possibly even while
standing. |
113 |
Petway – c.1931 Sears (National) Duolian. |
114 |
Washington Phillips – a complex double zither of
his own devising (see, Dolceola section,
for argument and mp3s). |
115 |
Powell – Silvertone auditorium-sized flat-top. |
116 |
Herb Quinn –
Martin A style mandolin with optional shaded top. |
117 |
Yank Rachell
– Gibson A-1, F-5s, Flatiron F-5, Harmony mandolins with the bottom
strings octave tuned. Gibson J-200 guitar. |
118 |
Reeves – Kay-Kraft. |
119 |
Jimmy Rogers
– Silvertone (Kay) acoustic archtop. |
120 |
Dr. Isiah
Ross – 1960 Gibson SJN, Harmony Cremona. |
121 |
Bobbie Rush
– Gibson Hummingbird. |
122 |
Dan Sane –
Harmony concert (Beale Street Sheiks). |
123 |
Tom Shaw –
“$8 Stella”, Gibson J45. |
124 |
Shines – Stella, Gibson B-25. |
125 |
“Jelly-Jaw” Short (p) – Stella, Regal (Dobro) Model 37 spanish with the
resonator cover removed and the hole filled in with wood (also with a
wonderful custom harp-rack clamped to the top bout). The photo showing
this guitar was taken in 1962 when he was recorded by Sam Charters and
the guitar he used sounds like a Dobro with its resonator intact.
126 |
Frankie Lee
Sims – Gibson J-50. |
127 |
Curtis Smith – Harmony Sovereign H1203. |
128 |
Smoky Babe
(Robert Brown) – Stella 922 12-string customised as a 6-string with the
tailpiece removed and the floating bridge replaced with a fixed,
string-retainer type. |
129 |
Spark Plug
Smith – Martin 2-17. |
130 |
Spence – a large Kay archtop in 1958, a 1949 Martin 00-18 by 1977. |
131 |
“Pop” Staples – Kay K-44 Archtop. |
132 |
Frank Stokes
– Harmony concert, Martin 00-28. |
133 |
“Babe” Stovall – Model O National c.1932, Stella. |
134 |
Stovepipe (Johnny Watson) – In 1924, a 9-string guitar with doubled-up
treble strings and single basses. Neil Harpe identifies this as a
Grunewald, c.1905, made in New Orleans, Harmony archtop (Conondo?). |
135 |
No. 1 – Stella (I’ve no idea what make the stovepipe was). |
136 |
Sykes – Gibson J-50 (you’d better believe it!). |
137 |
Baby Tate –
(?) Leader jumbo. |
138 |
Tampa Red –
1928 National Style 4 with custom engraving (sadly nickel plated, not
gold), now on its third neck at least. Custom National Electric Archtop
c.1938. |
139 |
Sister O.M.
Terrell – National Triolian flat f-hole model with a plated cover-plate. |
140 |
Rosetta Tharpe (p) – National Triolian, Gibson L-5. |
141 |
“Ragtime Texas” Thomas – Stella. |
142 |
Thomas – Stella, his first guitar was from Sears. |
143 |
James “Son”
Thomas – Wolfram Triumph with an aluminium clad fretboard, Martin D-28. |
144 |
Threlkeld (Whistler’s Jug Band) – Stella. |
145 |
Townsend – Stella, also a Thorn or Thornton which he says was the best
ever (prob. a Thornward by Lyon & Healy – thanks Todd). Later, Henry was
filmed using a c.1937 National Model O. |
146 |
Willie Trice
– a “fine steel National”. |
147 |
Vincent (Vincson) – National Style 1 Tricone. |
148 |
Muddy Waters
– Stella, followed by “a beautiful Sears-Roebuck box”, a borrowed Martin
for the L. C. session, a National Trojan (maybe a Sears model?) in 1943
John Work photo, Gibson Southern Jumbo, Martin 00-21NY(?) (for “Folk
Singer”). |
149 |
Weaver – Kay Kraft style C. |
150 |
Weaver – Stella, Washburn Auditorium-size. |
151 |
Wheatstraw – National Style 3 Tricone (possibly belonging to Joe McCoy).
152 |
Bill Weldon
– Stella (1927). If you believe that the early picture is of Casey
Bill Weldon, then you should know that the guitar that he favoured on
the 1935 onward recordings was, almost certainly, a National Tricone
squareneck. There is a poor quality photograph of him with an electric
lap steel which I can’t identify; the photo is dated 1941, but he “went
electric” before Dec. 1938 – his last recording session. |
153 |
Booker T
“Bukka” White (p) – National Duolians & Triolians after his first
Stella; he swapped a Gibson “in bad shape” for his first National. He
was also photographed playing a very rare 1938 National “Exploding
Palmtree” squareneck Tricone and filmed playing a Gibson J45. |
154 |
Josh White –
Kay Kraft (as Curley Weaver & Buddy Moss), Martin 00-21, 00-42, with
custom scratch-plates applied when he wore the tops. Custom Guild and
Ovation “Josh White” models.. |
155 |
Mott Willis
– Guild F-30 (prob. on loan). |
156 |
Rev. Robert
Wilkins – Gibson J-45, Martin D-28, Stefan Grossman’s OM-45. |
157 |
Williams – Gibson L-1 c.1931. |
158 |
Poor (Big)
Joe Williams – Gibson L-1, Stella 12-string, then all sorts of Harmonys,
Gibsons, Kays, Silvertones, etc. butchered in an infinite variety of
fascinating fashions. |
159 |
Robert Pete
Williams – Stella Grand Auditorium (converted 12-string?), Harmony
Archtops, Harmony Sovereign H1260 & H1203, Martin 00045. |
160 |
Hosea Woods
– Stella. |
161 |
Johnny Young
– Martin 00-21. |
Note: I realise that I’m guilty of using “Stella”
on occasions when I can’t identify the exact model of a guitar, but it
could be a Stella and it’s of that type of instrument; I’ve recently
become aware that I’m not alone in this irritating tic – some of the
most reliable of Blues artistes use “Stella” in the same way, when they
can’t remember, or never actually knew, the correct make or model that
they played, or saw played. Stella guitars were made by the Oscar
Schmidt Company of New Jersey before 1935 and by John Carner’s Stella
Company from 1935 to 1940. These were usually well made, playable and
relatively cheap instruments with good tone and projection. Harmony took
over the name in 1940 and the quality dropped considerably, although
some made under the Sovereign marque were OK. I am not good on Stella
models and so I have made some errors in identification and I certainly
have not tried to differentiate between Stellas and other brands that
were applied to Stella guitars, e.g. Sears, Galiano, Sterling, etc.. All
rather bewildering, but if you wish to be less confused, I recommend
reading Neil Harpe’s excellent “The Stella Guitar Book” available from
his website Also Paul
Brett’s magnificent collection of Stellas, etc. is viewable on; his other site has a Q&A
section where people can send pictures of their vintage guitars for
identification and valuation, also you can ask all sorts of question
regarding care and maintenance, where to buy parts etc.. Recommended! |
Dai Thomas
April 2009 |
out some details about Dai Thomas
can contact Dai by Email at