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John Peel OBE, 1939 - 2004

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Hoodoo Moan
& the blues of Blind Lemon Jefferson)
by Max Haymes
While I have
always been aware of hoodoo in the blues, via references to ‘mojos’,
‘black cat bones’ etc., I didn’t realize just how many more obscure (or
less obvious) allusions existed within the genre. Not until I read Hyatt’s
massive works: “Hoodoo-Conjuration-Witchcraft-Rootwork” (see Notes). A lot
of blues phrases which seemed ‘muddied’ (to me at any rate) suddenly become
crystal clear. This is true of many blues singers from the 1920s & ‘30s,
but I will focus on Blind Lemon Jefferson. It should be borne in mind that
knowledge of the blues as far as Mr. Hyatt is concerned, seems to amount to zero
(he is a white man from New York city).
A male informant in his early 80s from Hampton, Va., related c. 1937 that
“When I was a little boy (in 1860) I was praying an old-fashioned prayer the
colored people used to pray. They went to the graveyard to get their souls
converted. I went and prayed on a man’s grave that was buried that day and I
heard him moving and knocking on the coffin. I never paid no
attention.”(p.36.) (1). This now makes sense of one of the verses Lemon uses
in his “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean”:
Verse 5 “Have
you ever heard a coffin sound? (x3)
Then you know that the poor boy
is in the ground. (2)
Hyatt noted
that “The knocking or beating on the coffin, once a common expression,
survived in a few love divinations also about extinct.” (ibid 3). McTell
offers a more ‘normal’ explanation:
“Now when
I’m gone to come no more,
An’ all pallbearers lay me low.
When you hear that coffin sound,
You know McTell’s in the ground,
Ref:Hot mama, lay some flowers
on my grave.”(4)
Blind Willie
is probably referring to the first few shovelfuls of dirt to hit the coffin at
the conclusion of a burial service. Thus giving more than one meaning (a
favourite device amongst blues singers as we know).
Hyatt says elsewhere “Traveling lights are sometimes spirits of the
dead”(5). An informant in 1930 from Wilmington, N.C., said: ”My mother said,
about three days before she died, she saw a light in the room and this light
kept going around the room. She followed it all around the room with her eyes.
We asked her what she was loosing at. She said she saw this light. When anybody
in the family was going to die, my mother would always see a light in the room -
then she knew there was no hope for them.”(6). A venerable white lady in
Wortham, Texas told me that 2 or 3 days before the news of Lemon’s death hit
town, that Classie Jefferson (Lemon’s mother) saw a night light” in the
house and knew that her son was dead. (7).
In St. Petersburg, Fla. (c.1936), “Dey say a witch is a ole woman - say it’s
when a woman lives to be years old an’ say she takes, gits to whare she’ll
come out ‘er hide. She’ll come out ‘er skin, say at night when she gits
ready to go out to do her devilment, say she’ll git out ‘er hide an’
then she’ll go out necked with dis heah skin off ‘er. Say den, when she go
out, say she kin go through yore keyhole anywheres - jump in de keyhole an’
come in to whare yo’ is.”(8). The object of the witch (male / or
female) is to ride the person all night long until “You get so poor you can
hardly live.” (9). Blind Lemon’s line:
“I feel
like jumping through the keyhole in your door.” (10)
reflects this particular witch/voodoo phenomenon. Also used by Furry Lewis
(“Falling Down Blues”), Blind Percy (“Fourteenth Street Blues”), Lee
Green (“Southern Blues), amongst others. Other reports of the keyhole rite
come from Maryland and Virginia.
Hyatt includes several examples of hoodooism and snakes on p.p.66-73.
One informant from Richmond, Va.(c.l937) told of a spell which forecast
his forthcoming court case and resulting light fine of some $18.00 for
“cutting a fellow”. This was in 1912 and he consulted a voodoo lady called
Mrs. Bright. The preliminary ritual runs as follows: Mrs. Bright “She says,
“Now” says, “now, I will tell you what to do,” say, “you bring me five
brand new one-dollar bills the day of your trial, and a brand new pocket
handkerchief, and wear a black hat,” she says”, and I will tell you just
what the judge is gon’a do with you”. And in each corner of the room - she
had a black snake in this corner and a black one in that corner.
...In the
opposite corners., and each one of ‘em
came and put their heads - each head on each one of my legs and ah kinda got
frightened. She says, “Don’t bother, they won’ t hurt you”. So they
laid there. (probably Charters’ “common field snake” which is non-poisonous)
Then she read the cards.”(11). The man got off with a fine of “eighteen
dollars and something”.(12).
In the
middle 1930s in Waycross, Ga., a woman had been “hurt” by having a frog put
in a tobacco sack with pins in its back along with some of her nails from her
fingers and toes, plus some “frog bread” (a celery-like plant that grows
wild “in de woods”). The frog, still alive, was sewn in to the woman’s
mattress: “after it was ‘fixed’ - an’ as dis frog would jump, she would
fits right after one another. An’ she wus jest wizlin’ away to nothin’”
(13). So her concerned family took her to “a ole ‘doctor’, Mr.
Marlborough.”(14). The latter went to the woman’s house and got the frog out
of the mattress (still alive’.). It would then head in the direction of the
people who had put this spell on the woman in the first place. The ‘doctor’
also got some hoodoo material out of this mattress, ”bluestone, stuff de color
of ‘graveyard dirt’, etc. and he put it all in the yard and burnt it. He
said “Now, when ah burn dis stuff, when ah say,’ strike a match to it,
”say,” hit gon’a burn like fire in all colors it gon’a be”... He said,
”It gon’a be a snake come heah an’ dis snake he is gon’a venture to bit
her” - a great long black one. He sot dat stuff afire an’ it wus a long
blacksnake come runnin’(sic) up an’ he did his best tuh make it tuh her but
he kilt it -.. . So he burnt dat up. He say, “in three days’ time from dis
day, de ones who done it, dey will leave outen de roof of dat house .“ De ole
lady name Charlotte an’ her daughter wus named Mamie, an’ dey would be
wanderin’ from place to place.” (15).
Lemon’s “That Black Snake Moan” takes on a definite hoodoo slant along
with the obvious sexual symbolism. Further to this there is a blacksnake root
which is used both for protection and ‘hurting’ people. As Hyatt says in
hoodoo “everything depends upon intention”.(16). Also, for making a
‘hand’ or mojo to get a job, there are several perfumes on the market,
including ‘Blacksnake Perfume’
Yet another classic Lemon recording would seem to have this
“twin-aura” of sexuality and hoodooism. In 1929 he cut “Bed Springs
Blues”. The opening verse could allude to fear as well as sexual ecstasy:
somethin’ to tell you, make the hair rise on your head. (x2)
Got a new way of gettin’ down, make the springs tremble on your bed.” (17)
and anxiety
rather than desire in his closing lines:
blame me mama for talking out my head;
I said, don’t blame me mama, for talking out my head.
I’m worried ‘bout the movements you got and those springs tremblin’ on
your bed.”(18)
around 1907 in Norfolk, Va. a young woman was lodging with “my best
friend” (Julia) just prior to getting married. But it turned out this friend
was anything but. She attempted to separate the couple in order to have the man
for herself, by using hoodoo. By placing a ‘hand’ under the woman’s bed,
caused her to have a large swelling on her knee: “I had on my knees something
de shape of a egg, dat you would bury you finger in - you know it would
give.”(19). Julia evidently intended for the married woman to have sores
around her vagina or “all of her private parts”.
The married
woman went to a hoodoo doctor who had a large crystal ball. After bathing her
feet he showed her a ‘picture’ of Julia in this ball with her arms “spreaded”,
in front of the woman’s husband. “Dis woman was standing between me and my
husband like this… So, she was just between us - she trembled just like a
leaf.. .I says to him, I says,” Well, why is that (trembling)?” He says,
“She is very nervous - I’m sending it, turning it back to her.” (20). (i.e.
the spell) It turned out successfully, as Julia’s husband/man left her (“she
was just so offensive”) and so did all the lodgers. 3 months later,” And she
died all alone.” (21).
Johnson sang of his fortune-telling girl-friend:
“Now, she
is a little Queen of Spades, an’ the mens will not let her be;
Mmmmmm-mmm, she’s a little Queen of Spades, an’ the men will not let her he.
Every time she makes a spread, mmm, fair brown, cold chills just runs all over
“Everybody says she got a mojo, now she’s bin usin’ that stuff;
Mmmmm-mmm, little girl, I say she got a mojo, ’cos she’s bin usin’ that
An’ she got a way of tremblin’ down, ooh’. fair brown, an’ I mean it’s
most too tough.”(22)
About 6
weeks later, Charlie Pickett cut his “Trembling Blues” (De 7762):
I’m tremblin’, Lord, I’m tremblin’, Lord, I won’t tremble here no
Lord I’m tremblin’ ,Lord, baby, I won’t tremble here no more.
Lord, said, (when) we were together, we were tremblin’ all along.” (23)
might have been inspired by Robert Johnson’s “Walking Blues” for the next
“Lord, I
rose, rose this mornin’, Lord, I rose feelin’ for my shoes, babe;
Lord, I rose this mornin’, mama, feelin’ for ‘my shoes.
Now, I didn’t have nothin, babe, but these worried blues.”(24)
Johnson, in
turn, liberally ‘borrowed’ from Blind Lemon. On this occasion, from his
“Dry Southern Blues”. The oral transmission process going back through Son
House and an unrecorded Clarksdale singer who knew all Jefferson’s records
(and sang them!) whose name was Lemon!. (& see BLJ paper p.p.28-29).
Matches figure in the world of hoodoo also. One spell to find out if a woman is
to marry a man, is to put some matches in the man’s shoes “an’ place ‘em
undah de head of yore bed...”(25). The informant crossed the shoes “jes’
lak a T” and “yo’ put three matches in each shoe.”(26). A Charleston,
S.C. resident told of a ‘hand’ to be worn around the waist for protection
from other voodoo spells. This ‘hand’ consisted of alder, gunpowder and some
‘graveyard dirt’. The latter had to be purchased from a fresh grave with
“three dimes and three matches and three new pins,”(27). Yet another
method/reason was “If yo’ walkin’ by yo’ self at night, jes’ stick
‘em back of yore ear - de matches. Dey say dat will keep anything from scarin’
yo’ .“ (28). That is to say, 2 matches are used. Another informant, from
Memphis, told of a cure for severe headaches, or at least the personal
appearance of the one who ‘fixed’ you. By crossing “nine matches an’ yo’
put ‘em diff’rent places - jus’ diff’rent places in yore home,” (29).
While someone from New Orleans advises an actual headache cure. “You see, you
take a red match-...and you take a blue one.”(30). By crossing them like an
‘X’ “and you wear it in your hair for nine days and then your headache
begins to pass off.” (31). [Mind you, Paul, if I had a headache lasting 9 days
I think it might be more like a hospital case!] C.1938, a hoodoo man from
Algiers, La., told Hyatt in New Orleans:” If yo’ have a notice to move - if
yo’ have a notice tuh move an’ yo’ jes’ cannot pay yore rent an’ if yo’
kin git chew a crawfish. Git chew a live crawfish an’ wrap him all ovah three
safety matches. Take an’ tie him, jes’ tie him enough so he cain’t back up
backwards an’ forwards, an’ turn him loose into yore house. Yo’ understan’,
yo’ see, an’ dat crawfish goin’ all roun’ an’ he kin not git out, he
cain’t git in no hole or crack. An’ if yo’ keep dat crawfish in dere until
dat crawfish dies, yo’ll stay right wit dat landlord. He cain’t move yo’.“(32)
There are
also a couple of variations on how to kill a person by using matches to make a
small coffin which is then buried outside the house of the would-be murderer.
Apart from this last example, in all spells or ‘hands’, only a few matches
(from 2-9) were necessary. Part of Lemon’s most famous verse:
“I ain’t
got so many matches, but I got so far to go.”
now seem to
have a slightly more sinister ring.
Blind Lemon’s line quoted from “Lonesome House Blues”:
“I got the
blues so bad, it hurts my feet to walk”
also invokes
results of a hoodoo spell or ‘trick’. In Vicksburg, Miss., c.mid-30s, a
man’s ex-girl friend envied his wife and so the girl friend got a ‘root
doctor’ to “hurt” the man’s wife. The root doctor gave her a little
green bottle “about fo’ inches tall” containing’ some sort of liquid.
This the ex-girl friend buried beneath the wife’s front door steps (they lived
next door to each other). So when the man’s wife “When she came out, she
came down the steps, and as she came down the steps, why something caught her -
a pain caught her in the leg and drew her legs up and she couldn’t walk”. (
33). Around 1922, a man in Hartsville, S.C. was similarly “hurt” and took
his case to a root doctor. “I tole him mah right feet (sic) was swell up
four times big as (normal) - mah leg up to mah hip. I had to drag it.”(34).
And another informant, c.1937,related the condition of a “cunjured” woman in
Orangeburg County, S.C. “I have known a woman who had a swelling from her knee
down - from her knee down she was miserable. It hurt her, it kept her in terror
until she got so she could not walk. Finally, when the people had tried
everything they knew to rub with and to bathe her legs with, her foot continued
just to be swollen in such a nature of misery until she could not bear any
weight on it.”(35). It was only’ after following the directions of a
‘hoodoo lady’ involving cooked red ants and the patient’s urine, that the
latter recovered (“In four days she could walk”. (36). Lemon’s line quoted
in this instance, of course, appeared in many blues: including “Falling Down
Blues” by Furry Lewis (again!.). Mo’ later!!
1. Hyatt H.
M. p.36.
2. “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean”. Blind Lemon Jefferson vo.gtr. c.Feb.
1928. Chicago.
3. Hyatt. Ibid.
4. “Lay Some Flowers On My Grave”. Blind Willie McTell vo.gtr. 25/4/35.
5. Hyatt. Ibid. p.135.
6. ibid. p.44.
7. Bobbie Richardson in interview with author. April 1997. Wortnam, Tex.
8. Hyatt. Ibid. p.p.135—136.
9. ibid.
10. ”Broke And Hungry”. Blind Lemon
Jefferson vo.gtr. c. Nov. 1926. Chicago.
11. Hyatt. Ibid. p.69.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid. p.72.
14. Ibid. p.73.
15. Ibid.
16. ibid. p.p.4l8-4l9.
17. “Bed Springs Blues”. Blind Lemon Jefferson vo. gtr., speech.
24/9/29. Chicago.
18. Ibid.
19. Hyatt. Ibid. p.172.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid. p.173.
22. ”Little Queen Of Spades”. Robert Johnson vo.gtr. (Tk.1) 20/6/37. Dallas,
23. ”Tremhling Blues”. Charlie Pickett vo.gtr, Hammie Nixon hca. Lee Brown
pno. 2/8/37. N.Y.C.
24. ibid.
25. Hyatt. Ibid. p.193.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid. p411
28. ibid.
29. ibid. p.5l8.
30. ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. ibid. p.1770.
33. ibid. p.317.
34. Ibid.p.326.
35. Ibid.p.413.
36. Ibid
(2 volumes). Harry Middleton Hyatt. Western Publishing, Inc. Hannibal, Mo.
(Rep.). 1970
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