- Sukey Jump/Soo Cow
By way of
introduction, this third Appendix opens with some definitions/origins of ‘Soo
Cow’. This phrase deriving from a word of possible Texas beginnings: ‘sukey’.
From the pen of
one of the world’s leading lexicographers, New Zealander Eric Partridge, we get
what must appear at first glance, an unlikely source. But, as they say, all
will shortly be revealed. I reproduce the entry for ‘sukey’ from Partridge’s
Encyclopedia of Historical Slang in its entirety:
[1.] “sukey. A
kettle: low (--1823; ob. ?origin. cf Welsh Gypsy ‘suker’, to hum, to whisper. ?
hence 2; a general servant or SLAVEY: from ca 1820; ob. Ex ‘Sukey’, a
lower-class diminutive of Susan, a name frequent among servants.” (1)
This term ‘sukey’
may well have been carried to the US by white indentured servants from the UK,
in the first half of the 19th. Century. On the infrequent occasions
these indentured servants on gaining their freedom and obtaining their own plot
of land/farm further down the Eastern seaboard, the expression could easily had
transferred to any black slaves they may have eventually ‘owned'. From a
personal perspective I can recall back in c.1959 that my then future wife and
her mother both used the term ‘sukey’ referring to a kettle used on a gas stove.
So it did not become obsolete so early as Partridge estimates. Sukey became
immortalized in a children’s rhyme from the mid-late 1940s - in my recollection
in part it ran:
Polly put the
kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on;
Polly put the kettle on.
We’ll all have tea.
Sukey take it
off again,
Sukey take it off again;
Sukey take it off again.
[Footnote 1: I suspect the last line ran “They’ve all gone home”.
Anybody with any other suggestions are very welcome to contact me.] |
Interestingly, in
almost the same historic period I first heard this rhyme, way across the
Atlantic Ocean, one of the most popular blues singers in Chicago, Illinois,
recorded Polly Put Your Kettle On[Victor 20-2521] This was the innovative
blues harp player John Lee ‘Sonny Boy’ Williamson, from Jackson, Tennessee, who
recorded this song on 28th. March, 1947. He refers to ‘Susie’ but
omits the ‘Sukey verse’ entirely. Sukey or ‘Sukie’ most likely referred to a
domestic servant. In passing, a 1944 recording Polly Wolly (Polly) Wee
[ASCH-331-3] performed by Leadbelly, is a different song.
This leads neatly
to Wolfe and Lornell and their definitive book The Life & Legend Of Leadbelly.
They noted that “ ‘Sukey’ or ‘sookie’, was apparently a Deep South slang term
dating from the 1820s and referring to a servant or slave. A sukey jump
therefore was once a dance or party in slave quarters.”
They continued “Huddie himself once explained the term by saying ‘Because
they dance so fast, the music was so fast, and the people had to jump, so they
called these sooky jumps.” (4)
They added “ ‘Sookie’, Huddie Ledbetter thought, was derived from the filed
term for cow and used to call a cow, too.’” .(5)
Margaret Coleman “a childhood friend and later sweetheart” (6)
of Leadbelly, recalled “Most of the parties and dances … were held in rural
houses miles from the nearest town and often miles from the nearest white
homestead” (7)
And “They called them suky jumps, Huddie recollected many years later”. (8)
Another US author,
the late Stephen Calt, included a definition supporting Leadbelly.
“ ‘soo cow!’... A shouted farm phrase used to summon cows.”
He apparently got his information from Mississippi blues singer Sam Chatmon.
“That’s the way we’d call a cow, and they’d
come just a-runnin’…When he say: ‘Soo’ that means ‘Come on’.”
The slavery dance
term and the ‘shouted farm’ phrase come together to describe a rural scene which
more correctly would read a ‘sue-cow jump’. In 1936, using another diminutive
of Susan which links it to Partridge’s ‘lower-class Sukey’; Sam Chatmon’s elder
brother, Bo Carter demonstrates on Sue Cow [Bluebird B6695] the fast
dance referred to by Leadbelly in his up-tempo guitar accompaniment. Some 5
years earlier, Memphis Minnie maintains a similarly-paced rhythm on her Soo
Cow Soo [Vocalion 1658] with Kansas Joe McCoy on second guitar. Both Minnie
and Bo, together with Wolfe and Lornell’s example hark back to Partridge’s
definitions, which even he is not totally sure of.
As the Garons
suggest (11)
Memphis Minnie is singing about a cow. I read her title as ‘Come [Home] Cow,
Come [Home]’. Presumably in order to milk the animal and of course milk can be
seen as a part of the “food and cooking” (12)
related songs Minnie made during her recording career Part of the refrain runs:
“I had no sweet milk since my cow been gone” and after a spoken comment
“You better soo” she ends with these lines:
I give ‘er
corn. I give ‘er wheat;
I give everything that a
poor cow need.(13) |
In light of the
foregoing, and for what it’s worth, I’ll throw another possible ‘origin’ for
‘sukey jump’ into the ring.
Before the age of
the automobile, Americans courted a variety of wagons and carts deemed
‘buggies’. As one ex-slave who lived at Grimball’s Point near Savannah, Georgia
“lying at the northwestern end of the Isle of Hope on the marshes and creeks
that run down from the wide Skidway River”(14)
told his interviewers: “Yes, I dohn git away from dis place much now an uh
jis sit roan an tink ub a long time ago. Deah wuzn no automobiles an duh only
way tuh Savannah wuz by duh mule an caht an git in duh road wid yuh foots.”
Described as “One of the oldest of the
residents…white-haired F.T. Jackson … remembers his childhood days on the
‘Massuh George Wiley plantation’.”
This would have been c.1850s. This ‘mule an caht’ could well have been a sulky
or something similar. To cross country for any reason - at least for short
distances - one type of vehicle was a two-wheeler named a ‘Sulky’. (see pic.
main essay) This was a light jump seat wagon for two people. A social event
involving a 2 or 3 mile trip in one of these vehicles could easily acquire a
slang name, and if this event included a dance as was usual, would soon become
known as a ‘sulky jump’. Such an event could be a picnic which featured black
string bands on most occasions.
Regarding the
meaning of ‘sookie’ calling a cow, according to both Leadbelly and Sam Chatmon;
this puts the sukey jump (Footnote 2: See also p.p. 199,204-205.
for some links with Milk Cow Blues by Kokomo Arnold. {Woman
With Guitar: Paul & Beth Garon] into a more recent rural scenario in
the southern states happening in peoples’ houses or shacks in the woods in the
early 20th Century.
Max Haymes
1. |
Partridge E. |
p.927. (“Historical”) |
2. |
Haymes M. |
personal recollection from
mid-late 1940s. |
3. |
Wolfe C. & K. Lornell |
p.18. |
4. |
Ibid. |
5. |
Ibid. |
6. |
Ibid. |
p.9. |
7. |
Ibid. |
p.18. |
8. |
Ibid. |
9. |
S. |
p.225. |
10. |
Ibid. |
11. |
Garon P. & B. Garon |
p.199. |
12. |
Ibid. |
p.197. |
13. |
Cow Soo’ |
Minnie vo. gtr. speech; Kansas Joe gtr. |
14. |
Granger M. |
p.112. |
15. |
Ibid. |
p.114 |
16. |
Ibid. |
Additions/Corrections &
Transcriptions by Max Haymes.
Website conversion of original transcript by Alan White.
Website © Copyright 2000-2012 Alan White. All Rights Reserved.
Essay (this page) © Copyright 2012
Max Haymes. All rights reserved.
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