1. Nichols Roger L. & George R. Adams. "The American Indian: Past and
University of Arizona, Tuscon. 1971.
2. Murray. David. "Modern Indians." British Association for American
(BAAS). 1982.
3. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.6". Grolier Inc. N.Y.
1986. First pub.1829.
4. "Encyclopedia Americana V61.15" As above.
5. Lavender David. "The American West." Penguin. 1969. First pub.1965.
6. Debo Angie. "And Still The Waters Run." Princeton University Press.
First pub-1940.
7. 0'Donnell III James H. "Southern Indians In The American Revolution."
University of Tennessee Press. 1973.
8. Aptheker Herbert. Ed. "A Documentary History Of The Negro People In
United States Vol.2." Citadel Press. 19? First pub.1951.
9. Kemble Frances Anne. "Journal Of A Residence On A Georgian Plantation
1838-1839." Ed. John A. Scott. Alfred ..Knopf. N.Y. 1970. First
10. Eaton Clement. "A History of the Old South." MacMillan(2nd.ed.).
First pub.1949.
11. Ferguson Sheila. "Soul Food--Classic Cuisine from the Deep South."
Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. 1989.
12. Foster Laurence. "Negro-Indian Relationships in the Southeast." Philadelphia.
1978. First pub.1935.
13. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.19."
As above.
14. Wissler. Clark. "Indians Of The U.S." Doubleday Inc. N.Y. 1966.
pub. 1940.
15. Partridge Eric. "Dictionary Of Historical Slang." Penguin. 1986.
pub. 1937.
"Encyclopedia Americana Vol.5" As above.
17. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.26." As above.
18. Johnson Thomas H. "The Oxford Companion To American History." Oxford
University Press. N.Y. 1966.
19. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.2."As above.
20. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.3."As above.
21. Dockstader Frederick J. "Great North American Indians." VNR. N.Y.
22. Debo Angie. "Oklahoma Foot-Loose And Fancy Free." University of
Press. 1987. First pub. 1940.
23. Oliver Paul. "Blues Off The Record." The Baton Press. 1984.
24. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.20."As above.
25. Calt Stephen, Jerome Epstein, Nick Perls, Michael Stewart. Notes to
"Bessie Jackson & Walter Roland (1927-35)". L.P. on Yazoo L-1017.
26. Oliver Paul. Notes to "Jerry's Saloon Blues." L.P. on Flyright-Matchbox
Library of Congress Series: Vol.8. FLY 260. 1978.
27. Bastin Bruce. "Red River Blues." University of Illinois Press. 1986.
28. Oliver Paul. "Conversation With The Blues." Cassell & co. Ltd. 1967.
First pub. 1965.
29. Blassingame John W. "The Slave Community". Oxford University Press.
1979. First pub. 1972.
30. Epstein Dena J. "Sinful Tunes and Spirituals." University of
Press. 1977.
31. Stewart Michael, Don Kent. Notes to "Low Down Memphis Barrelhouse
1928-35." L.P. on Mamlish S-3803.
32. Calt Stephen, Gayle Wardlow. "King of the Delta Blues." Rock Chapel
Press. 1988.
33. Wardlow Gayle Dean. Notes to "Really The Country Blues 1927-33."
on Origin Jazz Library OJL.2. c.1965.
34. Charters Samuel. "The Bluesmen." Oak Publications. N.Y. 1967.
35. Catlin George. "North American Indians." Ed. Peter
36. Oliver Paul. "The Meaning of the Blues." Collier. N.Y. 1972. First
pub. 1960.
as "Blues Fell This Morning."
37. Major Clarence. "Black Slang." Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1987. First
38. Miller John. Notes to "Twist It Babe, 1931-40." L.P. on Yazoo
39. Prucha Francis Paul. "The Great Father-II-The United States
Government and
the American Indians." University of Nebraska Press. 1984.
40. Broven John. "Blues Unlimited."No.123. B.U. Publications Ltd.
Jan/Feb.1977. (in an interview with the singer).
41. Robinson Dave. "The last of the barrelhouse bluesmen." Jazz Journal
Vol.42.No.12. December,1989.
42. Spottswood Richard. Notes to "Rev. Robert Wilkins." L.P. on Piedmont
13162. 1964.
43. Calt Stephen, Jerry Epstein, Nick Perls, Michael Stewart. Notes to
Virtuoso Guitar Of Scrapper Blackwell." L.P. on Yazoo L-1019.
44. Slaven Neil. Notes to "Crawlin' King Snake." L.P. on R.C.A.
International INT. 1067. c.1970.
45. Altman Billy. Notes to "Alabamy Bound." L.P. on R.C.A. NL. 90321.
46. Zibart Eve. Notes to "The Uppity Blues Women." L.P. on Alligator AL
4780. 1990.
47. Red Louisiana. Conversation with the author. 14/4/90.
48. Hall Bob, Richard Noblett. Notes to "The Piano Blues Volume Nine
on Magpie PY 4409. 1979.
49. Oliver Paul. "Story of the Blues." Barrie & Rockliffe. 1969.
50. Olsson Bengt "Memphis Blues." Studio Vista. 1970.
51. Vinson Eddie 'Cleanhead'. from "The Real Mr. Cleanhead." L.P. on
Official 6041. 1989.
52. "Encyclopedia Americana Vol.29."As above.
53. Ferguson Charles A., Shirley Brice Heath. "Language In The U.S.A."
University Press. 1982. First pub. 1981.
54. "Red Lick." Record Catalogue. Red Lick Records, North Wales. July,
55. Jennings Jesse D. "Ancient North Americans" W.H. Freeman & Co. 1983.
First pub. 1978.. "Ancient North Americans
56.All details of pre-war Blues from "Blues & Gospel Records 1901-1943."
W. Godrich & R. Dixon. Storyville. Rev.3rd.Ed. 1982.
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