Blues Piano classes in Leeds
2012 sees the introduction of two new
blues piano classes in Leeds. These courses are short versions of the
blues piano class Tim Richards has been running in London since the
early 1990s - the first and only weekly blues piano class in the UK.
This is the first time they have been offered in the North of England.
LEEDS COLLEGE OF MUSIC 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7PD Enquiries email:, or telephone Mark Taylor on 0113 222 3400.
Blues Piano 1 (beginners/intermediate)
- tutor Tim Richards Saturdays 3, 10, 24 and 31 March 2012, 1-3 pm Cost
£60 (all 4 classes, separate enrolment is not possible) This crash
course in the basics of blues piano is aimed at competent pianists who
wish to expand their repertoire and develop improvisational skills over
the 12-bar blues sequence. Some reading skills are desirable, and good
left- and right-hand coordination is an advantage. You will learn a
range of bass lines, left-hand patterns, accompaniment techniques and
blues tunes in a variety of styles and a few easy keys. The skills
learnt on this course are also a good introduction to playing and
improvising jazz, should you wish to move in this direction later on.
Improvising Blues Piano
(Schott Music) is the recommended text book for this course.
Blues Piano 2 (intermediate/advanced)
- tutor Tim Richards Saturdays
3, 10, 24 and 31 March 2012, 3.30-5.30 pm Cost £60 (all 4 classes,
separate enrolment is not possible) This course is aimed at pianists
with some previous experience of playing blues or jazz. We will focus on
well-known pieces from the repertoire by some of the masters of blues
piano, such as Jimmy Yancey, Ray Charles, Otis Spann, Professor
Longhair, etc. You can expect to learn pieces in a variety of styles and
keys and explore some new left-hand patterns. Help will also be given
with developing improvisation techniques for the right hand. Familiarity
with the contents of Tim's
Improvising Blues Piano book is desirable,
but not essential.
