seemingly humorous title actually has some dark undertones; as with many
apparently comedic blues in the earlier era (1890-1943). The title and
first line were adapted from a religious song I Heard The Voice Of
Jesus Say which was recorded in various guises in the 1920s by a
cappella groups and also as part of some of the myriad of preachers’
sermons set down on disc in this same time-frame. These included the
highly popular Rev. J.M. Gates.
of the earliest, if not the earliest, recordings of this religious song
was made “at or around Chapel Hill and Durham, N.C. and Hampton, Va., in
the spring or summer of 1925”.
Listed under the heading “Male Negro, v.”
the full title is given in
the first line: I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say, Come Unto Me And
Rest. This is one of some two dozen other titles recorded at Iowa
State University the same time, which “are the earliest non-commercial
field recordings of which we have any knowledge.”
Often used in long-metre or ‘lining out song’ form by black preachers,
in 1929 the famous Norfolk Jubilee quartet chose to feature a jaunty
piano accompaniment (atypically) and sang their version
[Footnote 2]
a much quicker tempo. Possibly, the 'jolly' atmosphere generated
(despite adhering to the religious lyric) together with the bass
singer/manager Len Williams’ brief scat vocal, could have been inspired
by Jim Jackson who cut I Heard The Voice of A Pork Chop [Victor
unissued] some 12 months earlier, in January, 1928.
Spoken: |
Ah! Don’t
that sound good? It sounds good to me. It’s just like
somethin’ good to drink. It’s alright with me. I know that’s
playin’ good. |
Vocal: 1. |
I walked an’
I walked, an’ I walked an’ I walked;
I stopped for to rest my feet.
I sit down on an old oak tree, there went fast asleep;
I dreamt I was sittin’ in a swell café as hungry as a bear.
My stomach sent a telegram to my soul: ‘There’s a wreck on the
road somewhere’. |
Refrain: |
I heard the
voice of a pork chop say ‘Come unto me an’ rest’;
Well, you talk about your stewin’ beans, I know what’s the best.
Well, you talk about your chicken, ham an’ egg, turkey stuffed
an’ dressed;
But I heard the voice of a pork chop say: ‘Come unto me an’
Yeh! I heard the voice of a pork chop say: ‘Come unto me an’
rest’. |
Ref: |
Well, you
talk about your stewin’ beans, etc. |
Spoken: |
Ah! Stir it
up now. Ah! Don’t that sound good? Ah! Stir it up. |
Repeat 1. |
Ref: |
I heard the
voice, etc. |
Spoken: |
Oh! Ah! Ain’t that soundin’ good? Oh! Play it,
man. Don’t I do that thing? |
Ref: |
I heard the voice, etc. |
Aw! Ain’t that nice? Lord, it’s nice to be nice
when you can be nice.
(4) |
One of the kings of the medicine show, Jim Jackson included a variety of
songs in his recorded legacy and this one also has the air of minstrelsy
about it. Jackson’s ‘Pork Chop’ is not so much a parody of the religious
number as a brilliant adaptation of it into a quite subtle (at the time)
protest song about starvation or at least a general lack of sufficient
food, experienced by many of his black audience. African Americans (and
especially the working class - i.e. the majority of blacks) found
themselves on the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder. Not only
because of the evil racial system in the South which left them the
‘choice’ of low-paid, menial and/or dangerous
jobs; but also their social services were sorely
lacking in federal funding as this was often appropriated
by the state legislature - for white schools, hospitals, etc. |

Jim Jackson LP cover
Agram Records - 1970s
Jim Jackson may have got
the idea for this song from a contemporary, songster and bluesman Sam
Collins. Born in Louisiana in 1887 (some 3 years younger than Jackson)
Collins recorded quite extensively in 1927 and 1931. At one of his
earlier sessions he cut Pork Chop Blues [Gennett 6260] which had
a definite medicine show-cum minstrelsy feel to it.
1. |
I went out west about a year ago. I taken sick an’ I like to
Had the rheumatism all in my breast, tuberculosis all in my
2. |
I went to the doctor, doctor said: “Boy, what’s the matter with
That doctor looked around at me; I said “Doctor, what I need?”
3. |
That doctor shook his head an’ said:
“You need the pork chop poultice an’ the stew an’ veg. in’ your
stomach three times a day.”
If you had been doin’ all the time;
You’d-a been a healthy child today. |
When a
man gets sick an’ about to die; |
Stop in a swell café an’ get a chocolate pie. |
Pork chop poultice, stew an’ beans in your stomach three times a
day. |
6. |
Lord, some folks say that a preacher won’t steal; |
caught two in my cornfield. |
???????? |
They both had crocus sacks around their neck. |
Pork chop poultice, stew an’ beans in your stomach three times a
day. |
7. |
Need a pork chop poultice, stew an’ beans in your stomach three
times a day. |
Do you know last winter when the time was tough? |
‘Pork an’ beans’ in the kitchen was a-struttin’ ‘is
stuff. |
Pork chop poultice, stew an’ beans in your stomach three times a
day. (5) |
The only other version of
Pork Chop Blues I have come across was recorded some nine years
later, in 1936. Listed as by "The Two Charlies" it was reissued on a
Charlie Jordan CD. Yet THE Charlie Jordan is not present! To the
accompaniment of finely-meshed twin guitars they use most of Sam
Collins’ lyric but omit the 6th. and 7th. verses.
They also introduce ‘Doctor Haigh’ and reveal the singer appearing to be
living in an old school bus!
1. |
Folks, you oughta know, three weeks ago, I was sick an’
was about to die; |
I had a stomach trouble from missin’ my meals, I feel
sore in my side. |
2. |
Doctor Haigh came into the front of my bus an’ set down
on my wheel;* |
An’ just about the time when mother walked in, this is the word
he said. |
You need some pork chop poultice an’ some pork an’ beans, good
greasy, [in your]
stomach three times a day. |
3. |
If you had-a been doin’ three weeks ago; |
That boy been well today. |
4. |
Well, a man is sick an’ about to die; |
Just mix ‘im up some of they potato pie. |
Hear the voice of a pork chop say, ‘Come unto me an’ rest’. |
(Spoken) Yeah! (6) |
Repeat 1-4
wheel |
There are in fact another
three songs entitled Pork Chop Blues
Table A |
Recording Status |
Date/Location |
Brown |
Columbia 14036-D |
19/8/24. New York City |
Green |
1562 |
c. 6/11//30. Chicago |
Paper Smith |
unissued |
22/4/35. Fort Worth, Tex. |
The earliest, by Bessie
Brown, is a different song and a slow blues with fine tenor sax playing
by a young Coleman Hawkins, ably backed up by Fletcher Henderson on
lively piano.
Got to
have my pork chops, if I don’t I’m simply lost. (x 2) |
Goin’ to have my pork chops an’ I don’t care what they
cost. |
Goin’ to find a butcher with his pork chops, in my
street; |
Goin’ to find a butcher with pork chops, that’s in my
street. |
Tell ‘im when he sees me, let ‘im start to callin’ on
me. (7) |
This 1924 recording may
well have sparked the imagination of Sam Collins or Jim Jackson some 4
years down the line. The same comment applies to the Virginia Liston
title You Can Dip Your Bread In My Gravy, But You Can’t Have None Of
My Chops [OKeh 8218] made in the following year 1925.
The next Pork Chop
Blues, by Lee Green, is yet a third different song. Green went by
the pseudonym
‘Pork Chops’, ‘Pork
Chop Jackson’/ ‘Johnson’, and ‘Pork Chop Green(e)’ [sic]
and is therefore his own
blues. It’s quite likely Green took his name from a railroad freight as “
Pork Chops was an Illinois Central meat train out of Council
Bluffs,” (9).
This was in Iowa and the Pork Chops ran eastward to Chicago.
Pianist Lee Green recorded many sessions from 1929 to 1937 in the Windy
The song by ‘Funny Paper’
Smith might well be another version of the Collins saga. Sadly, this
must remain conjectural as this unissued Vocalion master (along with the
remainder of this long session) was destroyed by the company as “the
1935 sessions were found to be faulty.”
This affected a total of 18 sides.
Hogs were often ‘running
in the streets’ according to observations that have been handed down to
us from the earlier part of the 19th. Century. This was true
of cities like New York as well as those much further south. So it is
not surprising that some of this livestock found its way into the woods
and forests where they soon became feral. Thus giving access to the
poorest section of the southern population as a basic source of their
diet. Indeed, hogs still roamed the streets of many a small rural town
into the 1920s.

These animals were cheap
enough to maintain and many a poor black family would have a hog or a
shoat – a recently weaned young pig – rooting around in their back
yard. Many of the (usually) white-owned plantations would keep any
amount of hogs and 'hog-killing' time meant a big social gathering with
music, food and drink as well as some work for blacks. The animal was
hung from a tree by its feet and then had its throat slit and left until
all the blood had drained away. As an unidentified ex-slave wrote
“Hog-killing time was an annual festival.”
The author noted: “
When the work was
over, the fiddle and banjo inspired the inevitable dance and the songs
of slavery were sung again.”
The illustration below (from
1852) also depicts a percussionist playing a set of bones in each hand!

Pork chops and pig meat
generally became a staple in the diet of blacks in the South, after the
Civil War in 1865.
[Footnote 4]
These cuts of meat quite naturally entered into black song. Thomas A.
Dorsey (aka Georgia Tom) once described the term ‘pig meat’ as a
reference to a young attractive woman - at least under 40 years old!
Female singers also used it in connection with good-looking young men.
Older people (both men and women) tried to keep up with “the young folks
ways” - not always very successfully.
folks may call you pig meat; |
You may be pig meat. |
But you built on a old hog’s frame. |
You go acorn hunting; |
Growlin’ an’ gruntin’. |
But the old hogs is rootin’ just the
same. |
Folks may call you pig meat; etc.
You go
before the butcher, you start-a put on your stunt; |
They can stick a knife in you an’ you won’t even grunt. |
You may be pig meat;
[Footnote 5] |
Nor was it just blues
singers who appropriated farmyard symbolism in the 1920s. On the gospel
side of the ‘blues coin’ Rev. Emmett Dickinson preached a mini-sermon on
the hypocrisy of so-called Christians on Pig Or Pup (or, The Two-Faced
Man) in 1930 [Gennett Ge 7145]. Taking his text from the First Book
of Kings (18:21)
Dickinson finishes his introduction:
can’t serve God an’ Baal. ‘He that is not for me is against me’, |
saith the Lord. (Yes) |
must be pig or pup. (Amen!) (14) |
Dickinson then goes into
his unusual half-chanted, half-spoken subject. After moralizing against
wandering married men and women, he really gets in to his stride:
I’m reminded of a preacher who asked one of his deacons one
time. |
He said “Brother Jones, I want you to give me a shoat. That I
might |
my own meat this fall.” |
said “All right Reverend, just bring your sack an’ come over home.” |
er, Deacon Jones gave ‘im a choice pig. |
An’ on his way back home he came down a back alley. (Yeah!) |
To stop in a back of a saloon to get ‘im a little drink. |
Some little devilish boys was watchin’
‘im. |
They went an’ took the sack an’ shook the pig out. |
An’ put a pup in the sack. (Yeah!) |
Now, when ‘e rushed on out the door an’ grabbed the sack an’
started for home.
(Lord, have mercy!) |
He called his wife to come an’ see what a beautiful shoat he
had. |
(Yeah!) |
‘e shook it out in the pen, it was a poor little puppy. |
nastiest I ever saw. |
So ‘e
just picked it up an’ started back to go an’ cuss Brother Jones |
(Yeah!) |
‘e got to the saloon he felt that he didn’t have enough spirit.
(Yes!) |
So ‘e
just stopped in to get another drink. (Amen!) |
same devilish boys saw ‘im. (Good Lord!) |
shook the pup out an’ put the pig in. |
‘e got over to Deacon Jones to bawl ‘im out, (Oh! Yeah!) |
just reached over in the pen to shake the pup out. (Yeah!) |
An’ ‘e
shook out the pig. (Yeah!) |
said “Now, if you goin’ to be pig-be pig. (Yeah!) |
you’re goin’ to be pup-be pup.”
.(15) |
In my own summary, it is
tempting to think that with the inclusion of the ‘I heard the voice of a
pork chop’ verse by the Two Charlies, that maybe Jim Jackson’s song was ultimately derived from
Sam Collins. Or maybe this duo just decided to incorporate Jackson’s
line into what was at least a related title. Interestingly, the blues
referred to by female singers here, treated the iconic pork chop as part
of the rich sexual symbolism that runs through the Blues. Memphis
Minnie’s Selling My Pork Chops [Bluebird B 66199] from 1935 is a
further example which includes as part of the refrain, “but I’m givin’
my gravy away” (16)
Whereas the male singers are regaling the pork chop in a literal sense
of its culinary delights, as Alec Johnson sang:
If I
see a pork chop, Lord, I believe I pass away. (x 2) |
I ain’t had a square meal in many a
doggone day. (17) |
(A possible research road
to stroll down by somebody?).
Max Haymes
1. Dixon R.M.W.
J.Godrich. H.Rye |
p.966 |
2. Ibid. |
3. Ibid. |
4. ‘I Heard
The Voice of A Pork Chop’-Tk.1 |
Jim Jackson
vo. gtr., speech;
Memphis, Tenn. |
5. ‘Pork Chop
Blues’ |
Sam Collins vo.gtr.
c. 17/9/27. Richmond,
Ind. or
Chicago |
6. ‘Pork Chop
Blues’ |
The Two Charlies:
Charlie Manson
vo.gtr.; |
Charlie Jordan
gtr. |
10/4/36. New
York City |
7. ‘Pork Chop
Blues’ |
Bessie Brown
vo.; Coleman
Hawkins ten. sax; |
Henderson pno. 19/8/24. New
York City |
8. Dixon
& co. |
Ibid. p.326 |
9. Wheaton M.
p.9 |
10. Dixon & co.
Ibid. p.825 |
11. Gabriel R.H.
(Ed.) |
(ex-slave quote) |
12. Ibid.
p.160 |
13. ‘Pig Meat Blues’
Georgia Tom
vo. pno., whistling;
??Jones gtr. |
Richmond, Ind. |
14. ‘Pig Or Pup (or,
The Two-Faced Man)’
Rev. Emmett
Dickinson preaching,
speech; two males speech;
one female speech,
shouts; unacc. 14/2/30.
Richmond, Ind.
15. Ibid.
16. ‘Selling My Pork
Chops’ |
Memphis Minnie vo.gtr.;
prob. Black Bob pno.; |
prob. Bill
Settles bs. 31/10/35.
[Footnote 6]
17. ‘Miss Meal Cramp
Blues’ |
Alec Johnson
vo.; Joe McCoy gtr.;
unk. pno.; Bo Chatmon vln.;
Charlie McCoy mand. 2/11/28.
Atlanta, Ga. |
Dixon Robert M.W. John
Godrich. Howard Rye |
Blues & Gospel Records 1890-1943 4th.
Ed. (rev.) (Clarendon Press. Oxford] 1997 |
Gabriel Ralph Henry
The Pageant
Of America Vol. III. (Toilers of
Land and Sea) (15 Vols.)
[Yale University Press. New
Haven & Oxford University
Press. London] 1929. |
Wheaton Melville (Ed.) |
All Aboard
(Classic American Trains)
New York] 1995 |
Discographical details
from Dixon & co. Ibid. |
Additions/Corrections &
Transcriptions by Max Haymes.
Website conversion by Alan White.
Footnote 1: See ‘Unknown Artists - Field Recordings by Milton Metfessel’
on the page quoted, for more detail of these ‘phonophotographic’
recordings. Back
Footnote 2: In 1926 the Biddleville Quintette recorded the earliest
commercial disc of the song as I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say Come
Unto Me And Rest [Paramount 12396]. This and their virtually
identical re-make in 1929, with the shortened title, also use the long-metre
hymn style. Whereas the Mound City Jubilee Quartette gave a more upbeat,
‘modern’ version in 1935.
Footnote 3: The issued Take 2 [Victor 21387] is almost identical in
lyric and performance to this Take 1.
Footnote 4: In slavery times, certainly on the larger plantations, often
meat of any description was eked out in meagre rations to slaves;
sometimes as little as 1lb. every month. The nearest thing to a
meat-based meal was usually bacon fat added to turnip or collard
greens-officially! Slaves often had to ‘steal’ a hog or chicken (from
the ‘master’) which they had raised in the first place! Although there
were exceptions at traditional agricultural celebrations such as the
aforementioned hog-killing and at corn-shucking time [more on this
later] as well as Christmas, etc.
Footnote 5: This is a different song from Pig Meat Blues
[Paramount 12398] by Ardell “Shelley” Bragg which she recorded in 1926.
This latter title was covered by
pianist Georgia White in 1936 and probably made more familiar to British
collectors via versions by Leadbelly as Pig Meat Papa in 1935 and
Pigmeat in 1943. And confusingly, Georgia Tom and Tampa Red ‘s
Pig Meat Papa from 1929 is a another different song! There’s no
copyright in song titles.
Footnote 6: Casey Bill’s steel guitar is not audible, despite B.&G.R.
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Max Haymes. All rights reserved.
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